Friday 13 January 2017

wasted talents

Growing up as a child is so dream too big and imagine too want what others think is too much.but later when you are stable you find your passion,something you want to do a dream,a passion,a career .
Everyone has that,the dreams,the talents,the ability to be perfect whatever's.and everyone deserves it.

So many times I hear of kids search talent shows where kids get to showcase what they are good at.they are little angels who look so adorable being what they love to a great platform only that we don't include everyone. But then its not our do you get to include a hungry,and homeless kid in a mostly the rich contest.they never fit in.because no one recognises them as dreamers,talented people who have so much to give the world only the world doesn't give give them the platforms.

The other day I just read of this great businessman who spent years putting away a fortune for his daughters marriage.he wanted it to be the best thing he could give her.of course she had grown up as a princess and she still had to live as one.but days closer to the wedding the dad thought different and used up all the money to put up several homes for the homeless.I don't know what the daughters thoughts were but maybe she thought that as the best gift her dad could give her.
Its just about how you feel.of course we could take years putting them in prayers.That they may get peace and be safe.but they'd still be hungry and homeless. And the children have so much to give in terms of talent which was my topic today.

All she wanted was to sing
To earn a penny for her dinner
So much to spare but so hard a heart
Yet when she sang
I felt a pang and spared a penny

Deep in the night I saw her face
An angelic voice with no belonging
So much to give but no audience
For the world is blind
To those that dont belong
And she remains a talent wasted

A warm night indeed
She's out in the cold
No one gathers around
For a perfect presentation
In my warm bed I make a vow
The little dreamer deserves a better podium

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